atom feed incoming? i'm gonnna try to maintain an atom feed for major site updates and journal entries like these.
really heavy rain over here (insert soundbite of joseph anderson's playthru of 12 minutes). wind has been blowing hard and it's wet everywhere. i'm lucky to have a home right now.
rain stopped for a few seconds and now it's back again, god. it's the exact opposite of our weather 2 weeks ago, which was: extreme heat with 10 minute periods of rain every now and then.
holy shit severance season 2 teaser!!! ermmm im not a fan of the camera work of the mark running shots, i think it contradicts the entire aesthetic of the previous season?? and the teaser gave us very very little new content. a lot of it is shots from the previous season i think. i'm excited but the bar is really high for severance's next season.
severance - season 2 official teaser: youtube