escottronic space

page 12

I disassembled this small dog collar in order to salvage the clasps to use them in this black collar i crocheted. It's cute 10/10 I just need to add some decorations on it, because it's kinda boring right now. Maybe some pearls or spikes or metal buttons. I'm gonna hit the general store sometime this week to see what I can add into it.

I've also been thinking of adding numbering to the entries on this journal? Because sometimes I feel like linking between my entries. You know how tumblr and twitter people divide their posts into chunks and use reblogs to connect them? I feel like that sometimes. I know I can simulate a tumblr/twitter-like interface thru smth like tiddlywiki, which i love with all my heart, but I don't really want to do that much setup. In my vast experience of failing to keep up with personal websites, I've found that I start to fall of once I start thinking about automation and templates and shit.

oh also i opened an account on nekoweb just to see what webmastering looks like over there.